Springfield Avenue Merchant News-May 28

It's a busy month with end of school/graduation/Pride Month/Fathers Day etc!

We include a selection of special events (not weekly classes) in our Newsletter and promote them on our social media so please share with us.

MayFest Survey

As a MayFest vendor and/or Springfield Avenue business, we would like to hear your feedback. 

Please take our very quick survey:


Promotions for Pride Month, Fathers Day, Graduation etc).

Reminder to share any events or promotions you are having (outside of regular programing). We share them in our SAM Newsletter. 

You can email/text them to me at any time, or tag us in your social media posts—both Instagram and Facebook. 

Sidewalk Seating Permit

Reminder that sidewalk seating requires a new permit each year from the Township.

The application can be found on the Township Website:


Group ad and/or power washing

Are you interested in learning more about:

  1. Purchasing part of a group ad page with Springifeld Avenue businesses in a print publication like Matters Magazine?  Each business would get 1/8 of the page to personalize  (approx. cost: $160)

  2. Power washing for your awning?  if we have enough interest, we will negotiate a group rate (approx. cost $600-$800)

Please reply with the item(s) that you are interested in

Julie Doran