Springfield Avenue is a commercial district nestled within the walking community of Maplewood, while offering a throughway from Newark to Union. This combination enables a true mix of businesses, activities and energy. You’ll find first-time local merchants alongside specialty destination stores, new developments, national chains and much more.
But wherever you land along the 1.5 mile stretch, you’ll also find that SAM (Springfield Avenue Maplewood) is full of passion and surrounded by the most supportive and invested, diverse communities. What it comes down to? Well, you’ll find:
Personality for Miles
Springfield Avenue Partnership
The Springfield Avenue Partnership is the district management corporation of the Springfield Avenue Special Improvement District, a self-governed entity that funds itself primarily by a special tax assessment on commercial properties within the improvement district. The Partnership was created by a small group of neighborhood citizens who wanted to revitalize the main shopping corridor in their neighborhood. It has since grown to become 501 (c) (3) non-profit corporation governed by a board of trustees comprised of business and property owners, local residents and municipal officials.
Our mission is to improve Springfield Avenue Maplewood while maintaining the district's existing diversity.
This is done through a combination of:
Merchant Support, Resources and Promotion
District Beautification, Maintenance and Regulations
District-Wide Promotions and Events to Drive Traffic and Awareness
Collaborations with Maplewood Township to Attract New Businesses
The Partnership creates, sponsors and coordinates marketing and promotional events for the Springfield Avenue business district. These efforts promote local businesses and help create a favorable environment for new businesses to locate. We also perform a variety of supplemental services such as cleaning sidewalks, maintaining an online business directory and database of available commercial space, and assisting with façade renovation projects.
2025 Board of Trustees
Vic DeLuca – Township, Councilmember
Deb Engel — Township, Councilmember
Dani Geraci* - Resident
Kim Hammer — Business Owner
Gary Jones* - Business Owner
Kelly Lombardi - Resident
Jonathan Lumley-Sapanski- Business Owner
Pauline Lacey* – Business Owner, Property Owner
Irene Langlois – Maplewood Hilton Library Branch
Vincent Manno – Business Owner, Property Owner
Magie McGowan — Business Owner
Jim Nering* – Property Owner
Oby Otti – Business Owner, Property Owner
Sheila Turner-Cartlidge* – Business Owner, Property Owner
*Executive Committee Member
Executive Director
PO Box 1294
Maplewood, NJ 07040
The Partnership was founded in 1996. Through these decades, a group of business owners, residents and township representatives have worked together to improve the business district. While The Partnership is most-known for sponsoring and managing annual events, much more of the Partnership’s work happens behind-the-scenes:
As a resource to help businesses (adhere to the design ordinance, navigate town permits and regulations, identify properties available for lease/purchase, find reputable service providers, address questions and concerns)
As a unifying body to beautify the avenue with both improvements and daily maintenance
As an advocate, every day, lobbying for decisions that will protect or improve the avenue, as a business district, within a neighborhood
As a visionary for the avenue: building toward long-term objectives, and leveraging immediate opportunities
2025 Meeting Dates:
Board of Trustee Meetings-6:30 PM
Hilton Branch Library, 1688 Springfield Avenue
January 27* (Moved to The Woodland)
February 24* (Moved to 1978 Art Center)
March 17
April 21
May 19
June 16
July 21
August – No Meeting
September 15
October 20
November 17
December 15
* 3rd Monday except where noted due to conflict