Springfield Avenue Maplewood Garland Orders

Garland Orders
Our Holiday Storefront Garland program is a festive and economical way to dress up your business. Garland and labor are included in the cost.

The Partnership will again subsidize 50% of the garland cost. If there is a working outlet, the garland will have lights as well. 

The direct cost to merchants is $4.25 per linear foot with a minimum of 15 feet.

Please fill out this order form and indicate if you are a new customer or a repeat customer.   New customers will have their store front measured and receive a price quote before placing a final ordering. Invoices will be sent as orders are received; prepayment is required before garland will be installed.


Business Saturday (November 25), Thanksgiving Menus, and Holiday promotions

Throughout the holiday season, please share your deals and promotions. We will highlight some of them in SAM's social media and newsletters.

Two options to share:

  • Email photos and a description of your promotion.

  • Tag us on Instagram. 

Julie Doran